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The family company CONGELADOS ESPAÑOLES S.A (CONGESA) started its activity in the frozen business of fruits and vegetables in the soon 80’s. Because of the wide experience achieved across the years we have become in one of the most dynamic, flexible and competitive companies in our sector.

Do not hesitate to contact us to know more about all the possibilities our company can provide you.


Applying energy optimization solutions

CONGELADOS ESPAÑOLES S.A, (frozen vegetable producer) in conjunction with EM Solar y Murten Ingenieros (specialists in energy optimizing solutions) would like to present our photovoltaic solar plant installed in Orihuela (Alicante). Therefore, we reinforce our bet on sustainable energies with the purpose of supporting energetic efficiency as well as renewable energies.

Placas solares CONGESA

This solar plant consists of 656 solar panels, with a peak power of 350,96 kwp, and an annual energy production of 569.702 kwh, what implies an important saving in energy consumption.

This project receives financial support from IVACE and co-funded by the European Union within the operative program FEDER from the Valencia Community 2021-2027.In particular, 84.846,71€ worth.

Generalitat Valenciana Ivace Financiado por la Unión Europea


Today, in Congelados españoles, S.A. we present again together with the company EMSOLAR Y RENOVABLES, S.L. and Murten Ingenieros S.L specialized in energy optimization solutions, an extension in our photovoltaic plant installed in Orihuela (Alicante). In this way, we strengthen our commitment to green energies with the aim of promoting energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies. This project has been co-financed by "The European Union - Next- GenerationEU" through the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.

It is a photovoltaic plant composed of 658 solar panels located on the roof of our facilities. It has a peak power of 356,68 kWp and will avoid CO2 emissions of 171,01 tCO2/año. It is expected an annual power generation of 499,352 kWh and an annual saving of 42.93 toe. This translates into significant savings in energy consumption.

The project has been favored by aid for the implementation of various incentive programs linked to self-consumption and storage, with renewable energy sources, as well as the implementation of renewable thermal systems in the residential sector, within the framework of the European Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan (DOGV nº 9387 of 20/07/2022) framed in the Recovery Plan, Transformation and Resilience of Spain:

• Objective: To convene IVACE aid for the execution of various incentive programs linked to self-consumption and storage with renewable energy sources, as well as the implementation of renewable thermal systems in the residential sector.
• Annual energy savings: 42.93 toe/year
• Annual GHG emissions savings: 171.01 tCO2
• Processing status: Granted
• Total investment made: €241,813.41
• Total aid granted of 35%: €84,634.69.

In Congelados españoles, S.A. we continue to work to reduce the impact on the environment.

Instituto de diversificacion de ahorro de energía Ministerio de transición ecológica

We strongly believe in the continuous improvement, and this is where we focus our daily efforts on.
Let’s keep working together for a more sustainable future!